Friday, March 24, 2017

2017 Update

Turns out I've come up with what to do with this thing: doing it on YouTube!

I've had thoughts about this for a few months obviously, given by how I haven't kept this updated in any official capacity. Basically, Blogger is fine and dandy for written reviews and thoughts, but I feel it doesn't always convey any sort of emotion that a ton of my thoughts get into. As such, having a sort of vocal performance, even if I'm just sitting down and talking about entertainment I like, has a much better chance of connecting with someone who's curious what a nobody like me thinks about things.

As such, I'm about to review entertainment twice a week on my YouTube channel! The current plan is similar to how this was functioning for a while until I got caught up in how "quiet" it was here:

Every Friday I plan on doing video game reviews, with my obvious focus on games I've played and focusing on how series moved forward, from what a game franchise did differently or the same from its previous entries, how it was received, if they hold up on their own if applicable, and what they did better or worse as a result of whatever focus the game was aiming for. Very similar to what I was doing here, but in a video format where it can easily be more "heard" and to get me interacting out there with people wanting to discuss such things. I'd also love to start reviewing series I've never played if I get such requests! For instance, I've never fully beaten or played tons of major series, and I figure a "newcomer" has some sort of input when I'm crazy enough to want to play an entire series to fully appreciate it.

While that's the focus, I want to also do film and television series on Tuesdays, as I talk about this stuff with friends and family enough that I can do the same for non-video games as well. While games are my first love, movies are a close second followed by television shows. Might as well be part of the discussion of things old and new, right?

Kicking this all off hopefully sometime this summer, I am planning on either filming with my phone with little footage cuz copyright stuffs on YouTube is a pain and I'd rather play it safe starting off or simply voicing over simple screenshots or videos if I can figure out how that works instead of my mug showing up? Either way, I plan on beginning with some of the oldest video game series I know and have played and owned: Donkey Kong and Mario. Fridays will kick off with a focus on the Original Series of Donkey Kong, including the Original Edition, Donkey Kong Jr. and Donkey Kong 3. Early arcade-style games are so quick I don't think anyone will care, as I couldn't stand talking about three simple arcade games for three weeks; it's not fun for me or anyone wanting an opinion! Then Tuesdays will begin by focusing on Disney movies, specifically focusing on Walt Disney Animation Studios since that's the "real" Disney that everyone should think of when discussing the company's most influential films.

Fingers crossed, and hope it works out! I would love to add to the conversation on entertainment I enjoy, with my interest in how a series changes and adapts filling a sort of niche on the YouTubes.
