Friday, July 27, 2012

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

I want my Dream to Drop now, but the Distance is still too great.


The birth of the Zelda franchise font!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Super Mario World

Rewatching Once Upon A Time, I recall how fond I am of how it reminds me of a Western take on Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle and Kingdom Hearts. All the fairy tale crossovers make me happy, as I could watch Snow and Charming flirt all day. They're so adorable!

Seeing as how there's a month until the next 2D Mario game releases, time to return to one of his best adventures:

Colors! Colors everywhere!

Friday, July 13, 2012

NES Open Tournament Golf

Just catching up on Adventure Time. God, I love that show.
(PBxMarcie forevah!)

Now to review a freebie:

Can't find just the logo again. Old games, right?

Friday, July 6, 2012

Balloon Kid

It's always a joy just to go through the Metal Gear series for a combination of gameplay and story.

Say what you will for the balance between control and cutscene, Metal Gear is the second of two current on-going video game series to keep me entertained by their mix of gameplay, their polished production values and being emotionally invested in their characters. Playing as Solid Snake, then Raiden under Snake's guidance, then Snake's father, then a jaded Old Snake, then back to Big Boss forming Outer Heaven has given me a special story few series can even match in my heart.

Hopefully Kojima can return to grace us with the next Metal Gear. We need more Snake!

And I obviously mean Big Boss though I wouldn't mind a cameo or two with Snake.

Next up, a happy little arcade game:

No bigger size, I'm afraid.